Saturday, February 12, 2022

Why Everyone Is Going To Numerologist


For all the people who are always in search of something new to try and who think they've tried everything, this is for you. Numerology claims that every day, week, month and year of your life is ruled by a number which can be figured out by an algorithm. Experts claim that the numbers we were born with control our lives and can be used to explain things like what profession will suit you best or who your perfect match is. Here are the 5 mentions below which can be your life time number with help of Numerologist in Mumbai.

#1- Personal Year Number: This is the number for a year based on the month and day you were born. The Personal Year Number is cumulative, so from January to December of any year, this number will build upon itself. For example, if you were born in September 5, 1999, the Personal Year Number is 6 (9+5=14, 1+4=5). So, for all of 2018, you would be living in the 6 Energy if this was your birthday.

#2- Current Name Number/Birth Name Number: The Birth Name Number can represent our journey here on earth. It represents the influences that were placed upon us from the moment we were born. The Current Name Number can be a powerful tool to help us understand what this journey is all about and how we may proceed

#3- Soul Urge/ Vibration/ Expression Number: The number of our Soul Urge indicates who we really are. This number is an intrinsic part of our persona, and we live it on a day-to-day basis. This number can be beneficial to help us understand what motivates us and what energy we bring to the NW NW world around us. It is important to note that each letter in our name has a vibration of its own, which may or may not be the same as the number we were assigned.

#4- Personality Number: The Personality Number can shed some light on our natural abilities. Our personality number is the vibration that best describes us when we are at our best. Like Soul Urge, each letter of the name has its own vibration which may or may not be the same as the number assigned to it. The Personality Number helps us understand how we can get along with people and how we can approach or solve problems.

#5- Destiny Number: This number is the sum of all numbers in your complete name (first, middle and last) to arrive at a single digit. The Destiny Number reveals what you were born to do, and why you are here on earth. It can tell us about our natural abilities and how we can best serve humanity. Numerologist in Mumbai will help you to know more


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